Get connected to what's happening at The Harbor!
Weekly Sermon Notes:
Youth Retreat to Camp Berea
February 14-16
Full Payments are due by Feb 7th
The registration link for our Youth Group Deep Freeze Retreat is now open here. There are still a few spots open! Please register and pay your $50 deposit per student to reserve your spot. Financial assistance is available, contact Justin or the office if you have any questions.
If you have already paid the deposit, please register your child on the Berea website and complete the needed forms and waivers here.
In the "Household Form" we are listed as 'West Kingston Baptist - RI' but in the "Permission and Release Form" we are listed as 'Harbor Church/Inverted.'
If you are looking to complete the payment in-app, go to Events > Berea > View Registration > Make payment in church center. Contact the office if you are having any trouble!
Next Forge Assembly:
Breakfast Brorritos!
February 1 @8am
Men of The Harbor Church, please join The Forge (the new name of the Men's Ministry at The Harbor Church) as we gather together for a time of food and fellowship! We will also launch our campaign to dive into the topic of spiritual discipline - what it is, why it is important, and discuss practical steps to help us grow in the grace and knowledge of God! We will be using the book "Disciplines of a Godly Man" by R. Kent Hughes as our campaign plan over the next year to explore the many different areas of spiritual discipline.
You will also have the opportunity to join one of our Forge Team small groups and become connected with a small band of brothers for prayer, support, and fellowship.
Sign up for this breakfast on the back table in the sanctuary or online here. And yes, you can bring a friend!
Children's Church
We are looking for Children's Church teachers for both services. You do not need to have previous teaching experience, and the lessons are pre-planned with materials provided. If you would like to know more please contact [email protected].
Production Team
Come serve on our production team! We're looking for people to join in all areas of production: sound, lyrics, and livestream. Training will be provided. Talk to Rob Gemma or contact the office to join!
Save the Date - Upcoming Events:
February 1 -Men's Breakfast
February 14-16 - Berea Youth Retreat m
Look for more info on these events in the coming weeks