Weekly Newsletter

Find out what is going on this week at The Harbor Church

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Weekly Sermon Notes:


Harmony Women's Care

Baby Bottle Collection week THIS SUNDAY February 23

During the month of February, we will be participating in the Harmony Women's Care baby bottle fundraising campaign. Harmony, located in Providence, is the pregnancy center ministry our church supports. Please find more information on the table in the back of the sanctuary.

Click here to donate online http://harmonyfriends.org/BB25

Watch a patient testimony here: http://harmonyfriends.org/testimony

Coming Soon...

Act like the Apostles

Starts February 23 @9:50am

The next installment of our adult elective studies will be starting later this month. It is a chapter-by-chapter doctrinal exposition of the fifth book of the New Testament: The Acts of the Apostles.


Join Our Summer Missions Team to Honduras

Info Meeting: Saturday, March 1 @10:30a

Are you interested in serving this summer in Honduras? The Harbor will be sending a team to Honduras July 31-August 7th. 

We are holding an informational meeting on Saturday, March 1 @10:30am at church. The leaders of Mission Honduras will be there as well as members of previous teams.

This summer, we will continue to build the new meeting house for El Arca Camp as well as participate in youth camps and minister at small village churches. Last year, we were able to support two local pastors plus their children's ministry for an entire year. We also provided needed medical supplies like wheelchairs and roof coverings at village churches. We can't wait to see how God uses us this year! Contact Rebecca for more information. 

Women's First Fridays

Match 7 @6:30-8:15p

Generations: Are you a Baby Boomer? Gen X?, Millennial?, Gen Z?? Come share an enlightening evening as we spend time sharing within our own generations and interacting with those in another - we can all learn something new in a fun and encouraging way. Refreshments provided. Open to all women high-school and up.

Mission Honduras Worship Concert

Friday, March 7th @7p

Join Central Baptist Church for a free worship concert supporting Mission Honduras on Friday, March 7th at 7pm (16 Elm St, Westerly, RI).

Women's First Fridays - Generations

Friday, March 7 @6:30-8p

A time together to share with one another regarding special challenges we each face in our generation. For example, college years, young married/raising a family, aiding elderly parents, the menopause journey, the older years, etc. Open to all women high school and up.


Hope for Haiti: A Night of Music

Sunday, March 16th @6:30p

You are welcomed to join Perryville Bible Church for a special night of music Sunday, March 16th at 6:30pm (220 Moonstone Beach Road, Wakefield, RI).

Children's Church Teachers

We are looking for Children's Church teachers for both services. You do not need to have previous teaching experience, and the lessons are pre-planned with materials provided. If you would like to know more please contact [email protected].

Production Team

Come serve on our production team! We're looking for people to join in all areas of production: sound, lyrics, and livestream. Training will be provided. Talk to Rob Gemma or contact the office to join!


Save the Date - Upcoming Events:

February 15 - Harbor Women's Sweet Tea

February 23 - Harmony Baby Bottle Collection week

July 31 - August 7 - Honduras Mission Trip

Look for more info on these events in the coming weeks.


If you are a parent of a Youth Group student and would like to receive the youth newsletter and weekly lesson recap, please contact [email protected].