Weekly Newsletter

Find out what is going on this week at The Harbor Church

Get connected to what's happening at The Harbor!

Weekly Sermon Notes:


Faith Driven Entrepreneur

Mondays @7p

At some point in our careers we will wrestle with questions like, "what does it mean to succeed?" or, "how should I manage money?" "What risks should I take?" Fortunately, you don't have to struggle with these questions alone. Faith Driven Entrepreneur is a weekly program where we will gather together to watch the real life stories of entrepreneurs dealing with these same issues, learn biblical principles that apply, and then begin group discussions on how this effects us in our work. You will have a chance to share and learn from others in your community walking a very similar path. FDE is open to anyone who is running their own business, interested in starting a business, or an organizational leader/manager in any company.

Please join us on Mondays from 7-8pm in the Harbor Cafe to be a part of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Foundation Series.

Sign up here : https://groups.faithdrivenentrepreneur.org/app/groups/564906e1-048a-4a33-a927-41569f7e96ae   

If you have any questions feel free to contact Scott Asadorian

VBS 2024!

Sunday, July 28 - Thursday, August 1 5:30-8p

Join us for our 2024 Harbor Church Vacation Bible School adventures! 

This year our theme is Diving Deeper, and we will be exploring the ways that Jesus calls us into deeper relationship with him as we grow.

Click here to complete the camper registration form:


Church Picnic & Outdoor Service

Sunday, August 4 10:30a

Save the date for our annual church picnic and outdoor service. We will have one combined outdoor service @10:30a followed by a picnic lunch. Please bring lawn chairs, lawn games, and a dish to pass. This year, we will be having a homemade macaroni/pasta salad contest! Start finding your best recipes!


Office Manager Position

The Harbor Church is looking for a new part-time office manager. This person must have excellent written and verbal communication skills, and be proficient with a computer. Hours are from 9am-1pm, Tuesday through Friday. 

If interested, please contact the church office : [email protected]

Let’s do some gardening!

Would you like to help to maintain the church flower beds so they look absolutely beautiful... while getting to know some new friends…and having fun?

If that’s you, then come and join the Harbor Garden Team!

Time: Tuesday mornings for an hour or two.

Experience: Everyone from Master Gardeners to those who don’t know the difference between a plant and a weed.

Tools: If you have some, bring them, if you don’t, just show up.

Vibe: We listen to praise music while we garden!

Contact: Laurie Rusk or Jan Russell

Save the Date - Upcoming Events:

July 28-August 1 - VBS 2024! 5:30-8p

August 4 - Church Picnic & Outdoor Service 10:30a

August 10-17 - Honduras Mission Trip

Look for more info on these events in the coming weeks