About Us

Who we are, where we come from, where we're headed, and how we worship as a church family.

Who We Are

The Harbor Church is a multiplying movement making disciples in Greater South County. 

Where We're Headed

After taking a fresh look at Jesus’s great commission to make disciples, we’re going all-in on doing exactly that – making and multiplying disciples.

Where We Came From

Our church movement began over one hundred years ago (c.a. 1889) when Queen's River Baptist Church in Usquepaug recognized an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with children just three miles down the road near the Kingston train station. Within eight years, the Sunday School outreach had transitioned into a church plant. In 1897, the budding congregation decided to build a new church they called “The Chapel.”

As lives were changed and the church continued to grow, it took on the name “First West Kingston Baptist Church” (c.a. 1920) and then in 1937, incorporated to “West Kingston Baptist Church.” In the early 1970s, due to the preaching of the gospel and a work of the Holy Spirit, the church experienced a significant increase in the numbers of those who placed their faith in Jesus for salvation. Out of necessity, as well as with a vision for the future, a new and much larger church building was built and then dedicated in 1975.

Through the years, as it faithfully weathered passing physical and theological storms, the church continued to impact lives with the gospel and eventually blossomed into the culturally and generationally relevant and thriving church that it is today.

In the spring of 2016, as it was experiencing even further growth, as well as a wonderful sense of unity, the church felt led to strategically change its name to “The Harbor Church” so as to better connect with those in our surrounding communities. Today, it can be best described as a vibrant multi-generational Christian community, reaching out to the people of South County with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Worship Services

While we do acknowledge, appreciate, and value our Baptist heritage, we technically aren’t a Baptist church but rather better fit into the category of a non-denominational church. Even though we have changed our church name, you can rest assured that we still hold to and teach the exact same biblically based, theologically sound, and conservatively leaning doctrines and truths that we have since our church was first started in 1889.

Our worship services are God-centered, Christ-exalting, and Spirit-led. You can feel comfortable attending knowing that the people in our church have come from a variety of different denominational backgrounds such as, but not limited to: Catholic, Pentecostal, Assembly of God, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Lutheran, Reformed, and of course, Baptist. “Refreshing”, “warm,” “engaging,” “freeing,” “relevant,” "genuine," and “life-changing” are some of the typical words that visitors, guests, and regular attendees use to describe our worship services.