Life Groups

Doing Life Together

Here at The Harbor, we believe that church isn't just something we do on a Sunday, but it extends through our Monday to our Saturday's. If we are not living life together, then we are not living our lives to the fullest.

Connecting to a Life Group gives you the opportunity to:

  • Get to know people at a personal level
  • Make new friends
  • Feel a part of a community 
  • Discuss and apply practical biblical truths
  • Join in with people who believe in prayer
  • Enjoy drinking coffee or eating meals together

Each Life Group is unique and has it’s own personality. One thing that’s true for all of them is that they absolutely love meeting together! To make it easy for you to be part of a Life Group, you can choose between three different Life Groups that meet during the week at various times, days, and geographical locations. 

If you want to connect to others in our church and really grow in your faith, we encourage you to check out the Life Group that meets nearest you by looking at the list below. Contact the group leader to let them know you're coming!

Week Night Life Groups


Hosts: Eric & Lucille Towle

Day & Time: Meets every Thursday night @ 6:30pm

Kids are welcome

Contact: [email protected]

NARRAGANSETT – Demty Life Group

Hosts: Paul & Deb Demty

Day & Time: Meets every other Friday night @ 7:00pm

Contact: [email protected]

WEST KINGSTON - Pearson Life Group

Hosts: Keagan & Mahria Pearson 

Day & Time: Meets every other Tuesday night @ 6:30pm

Contact: [email protected]

WEST KINGSTON – Parsonage Life Group

Hosts: Pastor Keith & Ruth

Day & Time: Meets every other Tuesday night @ 6:30pm

Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]