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India Project

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The India Project at The Harbor Church exists to meet the essential life-sustaining needs of people in India's poverty stricken and remote areas. We use these funds to build churches and share the gospel in India as well as to build wells for better access to clean drinking water, and provide essentials for better living. We welcome the participation of churches, schools, and businesses as well as individuals with a passion to make an immediate and lasting difference in India to the glory of God. 

How to Support his Ministry:

You can donate via check made out to The Harbor Church (write in memo "India Project") or online through our Giving Page HERE . Just designate your contribution in the drop down box menu to "India Project."

All donations are 100% tax-deductible!

Dig a Well

What do you do when three widows of a church beg you to provide drinking water; Something so necessary, but easily overlooked by those who can simply turn on a faucet to receive it?

Clean and accessible water is crucial to life, not only to these three Indian widows, but to every being on earth. By building a well in India, we are able to provide clean water access to everyone in church communities like this and their surrounding towns. You can help The Harbor Church build wells near churches like this one to ensure that living water can flow to those in greatest need. All it takes is a one-time or monthly donation to make a difference in these peoples lives and help to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ across the Globe.

Cost per well: $1,200.

Build a Church

There are a number of growing churches in remote areas of India that are trying to spread the Gospel but do not have adequate facilities to meet their needs. Due to lack of funds, some of these churches are meeting in driveways while others are worshipping in buildings that are in various stages of completion. We found one church that was actually meeting under a tattered blue tarp.

By sharing our resources, we are able to help them construct churches that fulfill their vision, meet their needs, and can greatly impact their communities.

Cost per church: Approximately $4,000

Support the India Project Today!