Men's Ministry

Join The Forge

Next Forge Assembly: Breakfast Brorritos!

April 5 @8am

Mark your calendars and plan to gather together with the men of The Harbor Church as we enjoy some great breakfast "bro-ritos", spend time in fellowship, and dive into our next area of focus from the book Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes. If you missed our last breakfast, we kicked off our long-term study on the importance of spiritual discipline with a discussion of what discipline is and why God exhorts us to train ourselves for godliness, and how He equips us for this monumental task through His Spirit and His Word.

Please note: This month's teaching focus is appropriate for high-school aged sons and older.

If you would like to help serve the brothers of the Forge and provide some of the amazing food we enjoy, please use this link to sign up to bring burrito fillings, tortillas or other items we need. Thank you!

You will also have the opportunity to join one of our Forge Team small groups and become connected with a small band of brothers for prayer, support, and fellowship.

Men's Bible Study

Wednesday Mornings 8-9a in the Harbor Cafe

Come join us for weekly fellowship and study the Word together.


Have questions or want more information about upcoming events? Let us know!