
Stewardship – Building Block no.10

This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 1 Cor. 4:1


As Christians, we’ve been entrusted to be good stewards of all that God has given us. Since we’ve been born again, crucified with Christ and bought with a price – the blood of Jesus – we’re no longer our own (1 Cor. 6:20). This means we need to be good stewards of everything that God has blessed us with, such as the mystery of gospel (1 Cor. 4:1, 9:16-18; Col. 1:125) and our spiritual gifts (1 Pet 4:10) as well as our bodies, finances and even our time. 

Tasks to Complete:

First, read: 2 Cor. 8:3, 9:7; 1 Tim. 6:18. After a careful look at your finances and a lot of prayer, determine how much you want to include in your yearly budget to give to your local church as well as other organizations that will help further and impact the kingdom of God. 

To find out the different ways to give to The Harbor Church, Click HERE.

Second, read: 1 Cor. 6:19-20; 3 John 2. Look in the mirror. Really. You’ve been bought with a price and now your body isn’t yours anymore; it’s God’s. Figure out a plan to to keep your body the fittest it can possibly be. 


Finally, read Eph. 5:15-17. God gives each of us 168 hours to live each week. Look at your day planner and carve out some time to give back to God by volunteering at or through your local church or some other organization that will show the love of God to your neighbors or even the world. 

To find out different ways to serve at The Harbor Church, Click HERE


Once you’ve completed this task, you can fill out the following boxes and click Submit.

"Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine." Proverbs 3:9-10