*Spiritual Gifts*

Spiritual Gifts – Building Block no.13

"To each one given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." 1 Cor. 12:7

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 1 Cor. 12:4-7


Spiritual gifts are not learned or inherited abilities, skills or talents but rather specific supernatural gifts which the Holy Spirit gives to each believer enabling him or her to participate in and be used by God for the common good and building up the church to the glory of God. 


Everyone who comes to faith in Jesus receives at least one spiritual gift immediately upon their conversion for which they’re responsible for and privileged to use (1 Pet 4:10-11). Although we’re encouraged to seek after spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 14:1), they’re only granted as God so wills and desires. Sometimes believers receive spiritual gifts in response to their desire for them, by the laying on of hands or even at a direct and gracious outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38, 10:44; 1 Cor. 14:1a; Rom. 1:11; 2 Tim. 1:6). Please keep in mind that our zeal for spiritual gifts should always be focused not on ourselves but rather for the building up of the church. (1 Cor. 14:1, 12-13).

Tasks to Complete:

First read the four New Testament passages that describe spiritual gifts: Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12-14, Ephesians 4:11-16, and 1 Peter 4:10-11. 

Next read chapters 12, 13, and 14 of 1 Corinthians. 

Finally, work through the Spiritual Gifts Quiz below. Take your time and try to determine which spiritual gift(s) you have. 

Once you have completed these three tasks, you can fill out the following boxes and click Submit.

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Spiritual Gifts Quiz

The Speaking Gifts

1. Evangelism. Ephesians 4:11

This gift is displayed when someone shares the gospel of Jesus Christ and as a result, people respond to a given invitation and are saved. 

Q: When you share the gospel with others, do they often (or on occasion) place their faith in Jesus? 

2. Teaching. Romans 12:7; 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11

This gift is the ability to teach theology so that people can actually understand it, communicate biblical truths in a relevant manner, and/or point out godly principles and their practical applications. Often times, people who have this gift are educators who have a passion for learning, a high drive to read and study the Bible and have applied (or are in the process of applying) what they have learned to their own lives.  

Q: Are you able to communicate biblical truths in a relevant manner? Do you enjoy teaching others what you have learned? Is your Bible getting worn out? Have you taught faithful men and women who are now in turn teaching others (2 Timothy 2:2)? 

3. Encouragement (Exhortation). Romans 12:8

This gift is one where a person speaks to encourage, counsel, comfort, and otherwise strengthen an individual or the whole church.

Q: Do you often encourage others? Do you go out of your way to encourage (regardless of whether a person is discouraged or enjoying success in his or her life)? Do you sometimes feel compelled to encourage someone? 

4. Prophecy. Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28; Ephesians 4:11

This gift means the “forth telling” or declaring of the words of God. Some interpret this gift in the traditional sense of telling what is to happen in the future (Acts 11:28; 21:9-11) while others associate it with the passionate and powerful preaching of the Word of God (1 Corinthians 2:4).

Q: By the leading of the Holy Spirit, have you had or do you have the ability to foretell a future event?

Q: By the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, do you have the ability to passionately and powerfully declare the Word of God to individuals, groups or to the whole church? 

5. A Word of Knowledge. 1 Corinthians12:8

This is the gift of having a specific knowledge of something that you have not learned or studied beforehand. 

Q: Do you often or at times have knowledge of something that you didn’t learn or study, and then share that knowledge to correct, reprove, restore or otherwise build up a person in the body of Christ or the church at large? 

6. A Word of Wisdom. 1 Corinthians 12:8

This is the gift where the Holy Spirit gives you insight and wisdom in a particular (and frequently difficult, tense or awkward) situation that you can share with others to build up the body of Christ. 

Q: Do you often or at times find yourself with wisdom for a particular situation (that you’re just not smart enough to come up with by yourself) that you can share to ease, bring peace or confirm or provide new direction for a person in the body of Christ or the church at large? 

7. Speaking in Tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28, 14; 1 Peter 4:11

This is the gift to speak, pray or sing a given language you don’t know, whether foreign or heavenly, to build up yourself or the body of Christ. 

Q: Have you, or can you speak in tongues, whether at home or in a church setting? 

8. The Interpretation of Tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:10; 14:1-40

This is the gift to be able to understand the language (foreign or heavenly) that a person who is speaking in tongues is speaking.  

Q: When someone is speaking in tongues can you understand what they are saying?

The Caring Gifts

9. Showing Mercy. Romans 12:8

This gift is in evidence when one recognizes and compassionately tries to meet the needs of someone who needs help, is in distress, or otherwise is experiencing some type of hardship. 

Q: Are you sensitive to other’s needs? Do you have a desire to help those who are hurting? Do you find yourself showing mercy, care, and kindness to people in need by helping them in practical, personal, and loving ways?

10. Helps. 1 Corinthians 12:28

This gift is one of lending a helping hand. It doesn’t matter if people are struggling to survive, open a door, or carrying some sort of a heavy physical or emotional load, the person with this gift is Spirit-led to assist in whatever way he or she can. 

Q: Do you often see, hear, read about a need and sacrificially offer your time, resources, talents or energy to help meet that need? 

11. Serving. Romans 12:7; 1 Peter 4:11

This gift leads and empowers one to serve, usually in the local church.

Q: Are you currently serving on some type of service team, committee, board, or counsel at your local church? If not, do you have a desire to do so, are you are content to sit back and let others fill those roles?

12. Pastoring. Ephesians 4:11

This gift is displayed when a person finds him or herself showing love, direction, care, concern, and protection to the flock of God or a portion of it. In addition, this person also makes sure that the flock under his or her care is well fed with the Word of God. Like a good shepherd, there is high concern for each individual in the church as well as the overall church at large. 

Q: Do you have a love for the church as a whole as well as the individuals in it that’s above and beyond? Are you concerned about the spiritual welfare of people? Do you find yourself praying for those in the church? Are you compelled to look out for people? Are you one who tries to bring back those who have gone astray? Would you describe yourself as a shepherd of the sheep (or have a desire to be one)? 

The "Getting Things Done" Gifts

13. Leadership. Romans 12:8

This gift is literally defined as holding the tiller of a boat to keep it on course. People who have this gift are able to cast vision, give direction, rally a team to follow, and sail off to hit a targeted goal. 

Q: Do you lead others or have a desire to do so? If you turned around, is anyone following you? 

14. Administration. 1 Corinthians 12:28

This gift is one that helps keeps everything and everyone organized and in order. 

Q: Are you unusually driven to keep things filed and in good order? Are you able to keep track of details so everything can run smoothly? Can you quickly find files on your computer? Do you like managing programs, events and/or people? 

15. Giving. Romans 12:8

This is the gift that just keeps giving – cheerfully, generously and sacrificially. 

Q: When you hear of a need, is your first instinct to give to take care of it? Do you set aside funds on a regular basis so that you will be able give when a need arises? Do you feel that God has blessed you so that you are able to give? 

The Power & Wonder Gifts

16. Apostleship. 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11

This gift has to do with being sent to accomplish a mission for the furtherance of the gospel. It comes with God-given authority and is typically accompanied by powerful signs and wonders. 

Q: Do you feel empowered, called and authorized by God to accomplish a major breakthrough or unusual work for God? 

17. Faith. 1 Corinthians 12:9

Though every believer has a measure of faith, the person who has this gift has an unusual amount of trust, assurance and belief in the power, promises and purpose of God. 

Q: Do you have faith that God can make good on his promises regardless of what might appear to others to be difficult or insurmountable circumstances? Do you have faith to move mountains?

18. Healing. 1 Corinthians 12:9, 28

This is the gift to heal someone, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, through prayer or touch. 

Q: Has someone been healed through your touch or prayers (not necessarily every time, but at least once or sometimes)? Have you ever cast a demon from someone who had an evil spirit? 

19. Miracles. 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28

This is the gift to be able to perform a miracle – a supernaturally powered act that is contrary to or supersedes the known laws of physics. 

Q: Do you, or have you ever, performed a miracle?

20. The Distinguishing of Spirits. 1 Corinthians 12:10, 4:18-20

This is the gift where one can recognize the difference in spiritual power – whether of God, Satan, or the flesh – that’s behind or empowering a person’s stand, influence or teaching. 

Q: When someone is speaking or has written something, can you distinguish whether it is of God or Satan?

Okay, so you've finished the Spiritual Gifts Test...

Did you figure out which one(s) you have? If you've found your gifting, then don't be shy; you need to start using whatever gift God has given you to build up His church. If you're not exactly sure how to do that, please send our discipleship faculty advisor a note so he or she can give you some direction. To contact our faculty advisor, CLICK HERE.

If you've taken the test and aren't really sure what your gifting is, then take some time in prayer and take the test again, asking God to show you which gift he's given you to build up the body of Christ.

"Pursue love, and earnestly desire spiritual gifts especially that you my prophesy." 1 Cor. 14.1