What is Growth Track?
If you are a new Christian, or maybe just new to The Harbor Church, then Growth Track is for you. This class is divided into three sessions called Discover, Deepen and Dedicate, all of which focus on learning about different parts of your faith and The Harbor Church.
This is the “Who, What, When, Where, and Why” of The Harbor Church. You’ll explore our church culture as well as our vision to reach South County and beyond with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Dive deeper into the vision of The Harbor Church as you grow and live out your faith by connecting to Baptism, the Bible, and Life Groups.
Take the next step in the gospel-centered vision of The Harbor Church by dedicating your time, talents, and treasures to God through serving, giving, and then becoming a member of The Harbor Church.
When and where does the class meet?
Sign-up for the next Growth Track class using the form below.