Article 1 - Name
This church shall be called The Harbor Church.
Article 2 – Purpose
The purpose of this Church shall be to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ locally and throughout the world, to provide for the edification of the body of Christ through the teaching of the Scriptures, Christian fellowship and mutual encouragement, to help members who have material needs, and to influence its community for righteousness and justice.
Article 3 -- Organizational Affiliation
The Harbor Church desires to enjoy fellowship with all groups of true believers in Christ while maintaining its organizational independence. Any action to bring about organizational affiliation shall require the same notice and vote as are provided for by Article X.
Article 4 -- Government
The government of this Church shall be vested in its membership and shall be administered through a Council of Elders, elected by and responsible to the membership.
Article 5 -- The Council of Elders
The major shepherding functions of the Council of Elders shall be governing and leading, preaching and teaching, praying, helping, and healing (Acts 6:2-4, 20:28, 35; 1 Peter 5:2; Heb. 13:17; James 5:13-16). This Council shall be responsible to the membership and shall report to it regularly. It shall have supervision over the boards and committees of the Church.
Article 6 -- Baptism
Section 1. It is the belief of this Church that:
- Baptism as presented in Scripture is an ordinance commanded by Christ that portrays our decision to follow Him, our incorporation into His Body, and our identification with God’s people.
- Every believer should be baptized.
- Only believer’s baptism should be practiced and taught in the Church.
Section 2. It is the practice of this Church to:
- Baptize by immersion in water unless it is physically impossible to do so.
Article 7 – Membership
Section 1. Persons wishing to become a Member of The Harbor Church
- Shall have attended our church for at least three months.
- Shall be familiar and in agreement with our Core Beliefs, Theological Distinctives, Goals of the Christian Life, Membership Commitment and Constitution & Bylaws.
- Shall submit a membership application.
- Shall be interviewed by at least two Elders to confirm their salvation in Jesus Christ, baptism and commitment to our church.
Section 2. Recommending of Members
A. Upon a unanimous recommendation by the Council of Elders, the name and written testimony of each person desiring to become members of our church shall be sent to the membership of our church.
B. Church members shall have three weeks to vet a recommended member to the Council of Elders.
C. After the three week vetting process, the Council of Elders will confirm a person for church membership based on:
- An assessment of congregational input.
- Having reaffirmed that all membership requirements have been satisfied
- Unanimous agreement by the Council of Elders.
D. The Council of Elders shall give notice of a new member to the church within one week of his or her confirmation.
Section 3. Watchcare Membership
A. Watchcare membership is available to those who, due to continued education, military obligations, or missions work in the local area, desire to be members of this Church without relinquishing a home church membership, thus enabling them to have a church home away from home. The candidate for Watchcare membership shall provide this Church with verification of his or her home church membership.
B. A Watchcare member shall:
- Fulfill the Admission of Members requirements of this Church.
- Be enrolled as a Watchcare member at the recommendation of the Council of Elders and upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at a regular church meeting,
- Be entitled to participation in church activities, teaching, and other ministries, but may not vote on church matters, nor hold church office.
C. Watchcare membership does not terminate existing membership in a person’s home church.
D. The Watchcare membership shall terminate when an aforementioned course of study, tour of duty, or ministry is completed.
Section 4. Separation of Members
A. Based on the following guidelines, the Council of Elders shall be responsible for the decision to release persons from church membership. The Council of Elders will inform the church of any member to be released and allow two weeks for input from the church before the member is officially released from membership.
- Requested a letter of transfer to another church.
- Requested that his or her membership be terminated.
- Become a member of another church.
- Have been absent from the services of the church for a period of six consecutive months without sufficient reason (such as but not limited to: continued education, military obligations, missionary service, age, prolonged illness, and other physical limitations).
- Have ceased to be in agreement with the Articles of Faith, the Goals of Christian Life, the Doctrinal Distinctives, or the Membership Commitment.
- Have conducted himself/herself in such a manner so as to bring disgrace upon the name of the Lord and his church, and is unrepentant.
Article 8 -- Services and Meetings
Section 1. Services
The regular services of this Church shall be the Sunday Morning Worship Service and the weekly Bible school. Other additional services may be scheduled as desired.
Section 2. Meetings
A. Guidelines for Business Meetings
Business meetings shall be governed by parliamentary rules as stated in Roberts Rules of Order. Members eighteen
years of age and older may vote. Twenty percent (20%) of the members shall constitute a quorum, with a simple
majority of the votes cast required to approve a motion, except in the following matters:
· Calling or releasing a pastor and other members of the pastoral staff.
· Making changes to the Constitution or Bylaws.
· Approving or modifying a budget.
· Approving the aquisition or disposal of real estate.
Church action in such matters requires a quorum of at least thirty percent (30%) of the members present, with a
three-quarters majority of the votes cast required to approve a motion.
To consider any of the four matters above, notification of the purpose and time of the meeting, as well as the text of
the proposed action, shall be given to the Church at least two weeks in advance.
Absentee ballots shall be given to eligible members who cannot attend the meeting up to the day prior to the meeting.
Such ballots shall not be counted in determining a quorum.
B. Annual Congregational Meeting
This meeting shall be held approximately within one month before the close of the fiscal year. The date and time of this meeting shall be set by the council of Elders and notification given in the church bulletin at least four weeks prior to the meeting. The fiscal year shall close on September 30. The order of business shall be:
- Acceptance of the minutes of the previous Annual Meeting and other relevant meetings.
- Acceptance and/or presentation of written reports of the Pastor(s), Council of Elders, Deacons, Treasurer, and other chairpersons of committees and/or ministries as determined by the Council of Elders. These written reports shall become part of the church records.
- Acceptance of the recommendation of the Council of Elders for new Elders, Deacons, Board, Committee, and Ministry members.
- Acceptance of the church budget.
- Other business of the Church.
C. Special Meetings
These shall be called by the Pastor, or the Council of Elders, or any five voting members. The five voting members who call a special meeting shall notify the Pastor or the Council of Elders concerning the time and purpose of the special meeting. For all special meetings, notice of the purpose and time of such meetings shall be given by the Pastor or an Elder at the Sunday Morning Worship Service preceding the meeting, and a written notice of the meeting shall be publicly posted.
Article 9 -- Calling and Responsibilities of Pastor and Pastoral Staff
Section 1.Pastor
A. Qualifications and Duties
The Pastor shall be a properly ordained man who meets the Biblical qualifications for his office as set forth in 1 Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. He shall subscribe without mental reservation to the Articles of Faith, the Goals of the Christian Life, the Doctrinal Distinctives, and the Membership commitment.
He shall work in cooperation with the officers and boards of the Church. He shall be responsible for, but not limited to, such matters as the conduct of the pulpit ministry, the administration of the ordinances, and the exercise of general oversight over the total ministry of the Church. He shall be responsible to the Council of Elders and ultimately accountable to the Church.
He shall be a voting member of the Council of Elders and an ex-officio member without vote of all boards and committees. He shall act in a supervisory capacity over the employed personnel of the Church. Normally he shall act as the official representative of the Church. He shall become a member of The Harbor Church upon his installation as Pastor.
B. Selection
When the pastorate becomes vacant, the Council of Elders shall elect three of its members to serve on a pastoral search committee. Three other members shall be elected from the Church at large. This committee shall elect its own chairman and secretary.
The pastoral search committee shall take all steps to recommend a candidate for the pastoral office. They shall carefully examine the candidate’s doctrine, personal character, and pastoral activities. When the committee concurs, the candidate shall be presented to the Church in accordance with Constitution Article VIII, Section 2. Only one candidate at a time shall be presented before the Church for consideration.
Section 2. Other Members of the Pastoral Staff
A. Qualifications and Duties
Members of the pastoral staff shall meet the same Biblical qualifications for office as the pastor, and also subscribe without mental reservation to the Articles of Faith, the Goals of the Christian Life, and the Membership Commitment. They shall serve under the direct supervision of the Pastor and assist him in his pastoral duties. They shall work in cooperation with and be non-voting members of those boards whose work is directly related to their responsibilities.
B. Selection
Candidates for the pastoral staff shall be sought out by the Pastor and Council of Elders, and then recommended to the church membership for approval, along with titles, duties, and responsibilities, in accordance with Constitution Article VIII, Section 2. They shall become members of the Church when such approval is given.
Section 3. Resignation and Severance Pay
Should the Pastor or a member of the Pastoral Staff decide to resign, a letter of resignation, giving at least thirty days notice, shall be addressed to the membership. The thirty days or any part thereof may be waived by the Council of Elders should it seem to be in the best interest of the Church to do so. Severance pay shall be determined by the Council of Elders.
Article 10 -- Amendments
This Constitution, as well as the Goals of the Christian Life, the Membership Commitment, and the Bylaws, may be amended as necessary. The Articles of Faith may not be amended, and no amendments of Article X may include deleting or changing this sentence. Proposals for amendments shall be presented by the Council of Elders or by a petition signed by five or more voting members. Notification of a meeting to consider a proposed amendment shall be placed in the Church bulletin at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Public distribution to the Church of the text of the proposed amendment shall occur at least one week prior to the meeting. A quorum of thirty voting members shall be required with three-quarters of the ballots cast necessary for approval.
Article 1 – Council, Board, Committee Members and Officers of the Church
Section 1. Selections, recommendations, and affirmations
Council, Board & Committee members as well as Officers of the church shall be recommended by the Council of Elders to the church at the suggestion of and in cooperation with the existing and particular individual Council, Board & Committee chairpersons.
All persons recommended shall be members of the church and have given their consent to serve.
Notification of the names of all recommended persons to serve on a Council, Board, or Committee shall be made known to the church no later than four weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. It will be the privilege and responsibility of each church member to share their concerns, comments (or encouragements) about these persons with the Council of Elders no later than two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. In the event that a recommendation needs to be changed, the Council of Elders will notify the church in a timely manner.
All Council, Board & Committee members shall be affirmed by the vote of the church at the Annual Meeting of the church.
In the event that a vacancy occurs during the year on a Council, Board, or Committee and needs to be filled before the end of the year, the Council of Elders shall appoint a church member as a replacement to hold the position until said person can be affirmed by the vote of the church.
Article 2 – Officers of the church
Section 1. Moderator
Clause 1. Requirements
The Moderator shall be a member of the church.
The Moderator shall normally serve a two-year term with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders with the affirmation of the vote of the church.
Clause 2. Responsibilities
The Moderator shall preside at all regular and special church business meetings (in accord with Article 8 – Section 2 – A. of The Harbor Church Constitution).
In the absence of the Moderator at a given meeting, an Elder shall instead preside in his or her place.
The Moderator shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.
Section 2. Office Manager
Clause 1. Requirements
The Office Manager shall be a member of the church.
The Office Manager shall be hired by the Board of Deacons in cooperation with the Senior Pastor.
The Office Manager shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.
Clause 2. Responsibilities
The Office manager shall, in addition to numerous office and pastoral assistance responsibilities, keep records of all meetings of the church as well as all records of historical and legal significance (deeds, marriages, deaths, etc.). He or she shall also be responsible for taking minutes at all church meetings. The Office Manager shall also keep all records of the church (births, baby dedications, baptisms, membership, weddings, funerals, etc.) as well as all contact information for the members of the congregation. A report by the Office Manager shall be given at the Annual Meeting.
In the absence of the Office Manager at a given meeting, the Elders shall assign his or her duties to another church member.
Section 3. Church Treasurer
Clause 1. Requirements
The Church Treasurer shall be a member of the church.
The Church Treasurer shall normally serve a two-year term with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders and the affirmation by vote of the church.
Clause 2. Responsibilities
The Church Treasurer shall supervise the recording and management of all monies received and disbursed as authorized by the annual budget or by special action of the church.
The Church Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Finance Committee.
The Church Treasurer shall prepare monthly financial reports of funds for the Finance Committee, the Board of Deacons, and the Council of Elders.
The Church Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial report to be presented at the Annual Meeting.
The Church Treasurer, in conjunction with the Finance Committee, shall participate as needed in an annual review or audit of the church financial records and procedures.
The Church Treasurer, as needed or required and upon the approval of the Council of Elders, may enlist other members of the church to assist in carrying out his or her designated responsibilities (i.e. bookkeeper, etc).
The Church Treasurer shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.
Section 4. Financial Secretary
Clause 1. Requirements
The Financial Secretary shall be a member of the church.
The Financial Secretary shall normally serve a two-year term with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders and the affirmation by vote of the church.
Clause 2. Responsibilities
The Financial Secretary shall act as the coordinator in the receiving of collections, gifts, and offerings.
The Financial Secretary shall see that collections, gifts, and offerings are recorded on a summary sheet and that copies signed by at least two Deacons are provided for him/herself and the Church Treasurer.
The Financial Secretary shall keep a record of each contributor’s giving when properly identified, and shall provide each contributor with an annual report of his contribution.
The Financial Secretary shall deposit funds belonging to the church in such bank accounts as the Board of Deacons shall direct. He or she shall also provide the Church Treasurer with a record of the distribution of receipts.
The Financial Secretary shall be responsible to the Board of Deacons.
Article 3 – Ministry Councils, Boards, & Committees
Section 1. Council of Elders
Clause 1. Purpose
The purpose of this Council is to shepherd, to give oversight and governance, and to provide vision and guidance to the church.
Clause 2. Requirements
This Council shall consist of the Senior Pastor and between three and eleven other men.
Elders shall meet the biblical requirements as found in Acts 6:3-5, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4.
This Council shall select its own chairman.
Elders shall normally serve for a four-year term with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders, the Senior Pastor, and with the affirmation of the vote of the church.
Clause 3. Responsibilities
A. Shepherding the flock
This Council shall have as its primary purpose to shepherd the flock by leading, preaching, teaching, modeling, protecting, caring and praying for the church family individually and corporately.
This Council, in cooperation with the Senior Pastor, shall also aid in the practical application of the various spiritual ministries of the church, including, but not limited to: baptisms, communion, visitation and pastoral prayers.
B. Oversight and governance
This Council shall oversee and be responsible for the continuity, consistency, and objectives of all Board, Committees, and Ministries of the church.
This Council shall provide for the pulpit supply and the conduct of church services in the absence of the Senior Pastor.
This Council shall recommend persons for church membership as well as persons for dismissal from church membership.
This Council shall be responsible for church discipline.
This Council shall prepare an annual Council of Elder’s budget and administer this budget after its approval by the vote of the church.
C. Vision and guidance
This Council shall seek ways to extend and grow the ministry of the church.
This Council shall, in cooperation with the Senior Pastor, find, review, and recommend to the church candidates for the Pastoral Staff.
This Council shall see to the ordination of candidates to the gospel ministry.
Section 2. Board of Deacons
Clause 1. Purpose
The purpose of the Board is to serve the church body by helping in the practical matters of care, mercy and assistance, to supervise, account for and maintain church property and assets, and to take on additional assignments for the shepherding and support of the flock at the discretion and direction of the Council of Elders.
Clause 2. Requirements
The Board of Deacons shall consist of members of the church who have been recommended by the Council of Elders and affirmed by the vote of the church.
Deacons shall meet the biblical requirements as found in Acts 6:3-5 and 1 Tim. 3:8-12.
The Council of Elders shall recommend the chairman of the Board of Deacons.
Deacons shall normally serve for a three-year term with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders with the affirmation of the vote of the church.
Clause 3. Responsibilities
A. Ministers of care, mercy, and assistance
The Board of Deacons shall be responsible for the practical care, mercy, and assistance to the congregation in conjunction and cooperation with the Benevolent Committee.
B. Stewards of property & monies
The Board of Deacons shall become acquainted with the laws and ordinances of the State of Rhode Island and the Town of South Kingstown as they pertain to churches and be certain the church is in compliance with known laws, ordinances and regulatory requirements.
The Board of Deacons shall be responsible for the acquisition, sale, transfer, management, and maintenance of The Harbor Church property and assets. In performing these duties, the Deacons shall have (subject to the provisions of The Harbor Church Constitution & Bylaws) the authority and powers of contracts, the executing of deeds, the assigning of bills of sale, and appropriate bonding. They shall represent The Harbor Church in all business & legal matters.
The Board of Deacons shall supervise the collections of monies, gifts and offerings, initial accounting, payment of bills and the overall allocation or transfer of fund for the financing of the various ministries of the church. No indebtedness shall be incurred or expenditure made beyond budgetary allotment by any board or committee, unless authorized by the Council of Elders.
The Board of Deacons shall supervise the duties of the Financial Secretary and the Social Event Committee.
The Board of Deacons shall equip and staff the church office in cooperation with the Senior Pastor, and recruit, approve, and supervise contracted workers for The Harbor Church (maintenance, landscaping, snow removal, etc.).
C. Aids to the Elders
The Board of Deacons shall take on additional assignments for the shepherding and support of the flock at the discretion and direction of the Council of Elders.
The Board of Deacons shall be responsible for preparing the elements for the service of communion as well as making the practical arrangements necessary for baptisms.
This Board, as needed or required, may enlist other members of the church to assist it in carrying out its duties.
This Board shall give the Council of Elders a monthly update on Deacon activities.
This Board shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.
Section 3. Missions Committee
Clause 1. Purpose
The purpose of this Committee is to aid the church in spreading the gospel around the world.
Clause 2. Requirements
This Committee shall consist of members of the church recommended by the Council of Elders and approved by the vote of the church.
Committee members shall normally serve for two-year terms with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders and the affirmation by vote of the church.
This Council of Elders shall recommend the chairperson of this Committee.
Clause 3. Responsibilities
This Committee shall administer and coordinate the total mission program of the church.
This Committee, in consultation and agreement with the Council of Elders, shall recommend missionaries and missions projects to the church for financial support.
This Committee shall yearly review our supported missionaries and mission projects and, in consultation and agreement with the Council of Elders, recommend to the church the continuance or removal of financial support for our missionaries and/or missions projects.
This Committee shall prepare an annual Missions Committee budget and administer this budget after its approval by the vote of the church.
This Committee may enlist other members of the church to assist it in carrying out its duties.
This Committee shall give the Council of Elders a monthly update on Mission activities.
This Committee shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.
Section 4. Christian Education Committee
Clause 1. Purpose
The purpose of this Committee is to provide quality biblical education to children who visit and attend our church.
Clause 2. Requirements
This Committee shall consist of members of the church recommended by the Council of Elders and approved by vote of the church.
Committee members shall normally serve for two-year terms with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders and the affirmation by the vote of the church.
The Council of Elders shall recommend the chairperson of this committee.
Clause 3. Responsibilities
This Committee shall organize and oversee the children’s educational program of the church, including but not limited to: Children’s Sunday School, Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School, and Youth Group.
This Committee, with consultation and agreement of the Council of Elders, shall recruit, select, and train teachers and helpers.
This Committee, in conjunction with the pastoral staff, shall select the children’s educational curriculum.
This Committee shall prepare an annual Christian Education Committee budget and administer this budget after approval by the vote of the church.
This Committee may enlist other members of the church to assist it in carrying out its duties.
This Committee shall give the Council of Elders a monthly update of Christian Education activities.
This Committee shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.
Section 5. Benevolent Committee
Clause 1. Purpose
This committee shall address the matters of attending to the poor, the sick, the bereaved, shut-ins, new moms & dads and anyone else in need of a display of God’s kindness in their lives through visits, meals, financial assistance, and/or any other practical measure of God’s grace, mercy, and love.
Clause 2. Requirements
The Benevolent Committee shall consist of church members recommended by the Council of Elders and affirmed by the vote of the church. Of those members, at least one shall be from the Council of Elders and one from the Board of Deacons.
Members of this committee shall reflect a kind heart, compassion and godly wisdom.
The Council of Elders shall recommend the chairperson of this Committee.
Members of this Committee shall normally serve for a one-year term with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders with the affirmation of the vote of the church.
Clause 3. Responsibilities
A. Care ministry
This Committee shall identify and reach out to those who are sick, have experienced a loss, have a new baby, find themselves shut-in or otherwise lonely, and others who may need meals, a visit, flowers and/or a card of encouragement.
B. Practical financial aid
This Committee, using biblical guidelines and principles, shall determine if, when, and how much to assist someone in financial need through the funds in the Benevolent Account.
This Committee, upon consultation and recommendation with the Council of Elders, shall direct those in need to financial counseling.
This Committee may direct those in financial need to town, State and/or Federal programs and resources when available and appropriate.
This Committee shall, in conjunction with the Church Treasurer, keep track of the funds in the Benevolent Account.
C. Working and reporting
This Committee shall work in conjunction with the Board of Deacons and Council of Elders.
This Committee, as needed or required, may enlist other members of the church to assist it in carrying out its duties.
This Committee shall give the Council of Elders a monthly update on Benevolent Committee activities.
This Committee shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.
Section 6. Finance Committee
Clause 1. Purpose
This committee will supervise the finance and stewardship function of the church by making specific recommendations to the Council of Elders.
Clause 2. Requirements
This committee shall consist of church members recommended by the Council of Elders and affirmed by the vote of the church. Of these members, at least one shall be an Elder, one a Deacon, and one the Church Treasurer.
Committee members shall normally serve for a two-year term with the option to serve additional terms at the discretion of the Council of Elders and the affirmation by vote of the church.
The Council of Elders shall recommend the chairperson of this Committee.
Members on this Committee shall reflect specific expertise related to finance or business.
Clause 3. Responsibilities
A. Budget Preparation
This Committee shall recommend to the Council of Elders the annual budget. This will include the development of financial goals, securing budget requests from all church councils, committees, boards, and ministries, and preparing operating and capital budgets for Council of Elder review and church membership approval and vote.
This Committee shall monitor current year budget with monthly actual to budget comparisons, review mid-year requests for revisions and make recommendations for changes to the Council of Elders.
B. Fund & Revenue Growth
This Committee may identify programs and activities to generate revenue to further the church’s short-term and long-term plans and make recommendations to the Council of Elders.
This Committee may recommend to the Council of Elders the establishment of educational programs to promote spiritual giving.
This Committee may recommend to the Council of Elders the creation of an endowment fund and/or investment committee to provide long-term financial security for the church.
C. Stewardship
This Committee, at the discretion of the Council of Elders, shall coordinate and manage outside professionals for the independent oversight, review, and/or audit of financial records, regulatory requirements, insurance, retirement plan administration, and investment activities for church assets.
This Committee shall be responsible for monthly reports and recommendations to the Council of Elders.
This Committee shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.
Section 7. Social event committee
Clause 1. Purpose
This Committee shall arrange for meals and/or refreshments and beverages for approved church events.
Clause 2. Requirements
This Committee shall consist of members of the church.
The Council of Elders shall recommend the chairperson of this Committee.
Clause 3. Responsibilities
This Committee shall coordinate the food and supplies need for church events such as, but not limited to, potlucks, breakfasts, luncheons, barbecues, and picnics.
This Committee shall work with the Board of Deacons in stocking the kitchen with the necessary supplies for various events.
This Committee may enlist other members of the church to assist it in carrying out its duties.
This Committee shall work in conjunction with, be under the supervision of, and be responsible to the Board of Deacons
Article 4. Special Committees
Special short-term committees may be created for dealing in detail with specifically designated matters at the discretion of the Council of Elders. The church shall receive notification of the creation of such special committees in a timely manner. The creation of any long-term committee(s) (one year or longer) shall need the approval of the vote of the church.
Article 5. Amendments to the Bylaws
These Bylaws may be amended as necessary pursuant to the provision in The Harbor Church Constitution, Article 10.